The World Remade

The World Remade | Recipe

I am a food story-teller and I will continue to think as a recipe developer while remaking the world. So,here’s my recipe for “The World Remade”.

I always believed all crimes in the world happen due to Homo sapiens in-satiated hunger for power,lust and money. How I wish Eve had not eaten that apple only to leave us stark naked in the world full of Pandora’s box bees for old age, ugliness, jealously, racism, sexism, oppression, fast food, global warming.(About Roy)

Quoting Mahatma Gandhi “As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves“.

The recipe starts with us, personally us who can re-plan and re-cook the new humanity.


We need to grow environmentally sustainable food.This would contribute to greater equity in international trade and economy.Enabling food sovereignty and using the principles of organic Agroecology which conserves resources and biodiversity by working with local ecosystems in order to build a resilient ecosystem.We don’t want to buy our produce from big names which dictate the global food market. It forces farmers and consumers into poverty and hunger.We need to surge the action of creation much more than curbing the act of destruction cause we are insatiable consumers.


We want to peel our food layer by layer with our kids.We always try to bottle up our kids like preserved jams.We need to let the child explore,be creative and encourage him to be experimental.Let them peel a few pea pods and accidentally spill them all.Give them the value to accept failure and also let go of it.If they’re able to see themselves as creators rather than consumers, imagine the world they would create.

As Steve Jobs says “Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact – everything around you that you call life was made up by people that are no smarter than you, and you can change it, you can influence it, you could build your own things that other people can use. … Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again“.


We may want to control inviting more people for dinner than the humble meal can suffice.Mother earth had laid a sumptuous meal to suffice for a finite number of people growing over the years.Can earth sustain the mammoth population that we are loading it on its truck.More people means more needs leading to destruction of wilderness, reckless dissipation of scarce resources and the pernicious destabilization of the global ecosystems.From the very start of the world we need to respect this celestial orb and nip the bud in its scheme to reproduce irresponsibly.The value of responsible reproduction should be well explained to every individual and there should be universal access to contraception.We want to build a world for our children who can see us as preservers rather just have “feet of clay”.


We have grown the best produce,pluck them and minced it right.Now its time to cook.My world is being remade in my very kitchen.You know what a perfect dish is, one in which you can’t recognise its ingredients individually but rather its their mélange and slow cooking which helps evolve a new taste.Hmmm…..keep tasting it while its being made to adjust the right seasoning and dominate any overpowering flavour. Sadly,Alexander went but the desire to conquer the world and remain a superpower still rests with its people.We don’t need superpowers garnering nuclear weapons.

We will intertwine our diverse cultures and socio-economic movements. In a world which has grown too complex with its ideologies we want to rebuild a world united by a one big idea.A world which progresses bottom up.A world which find it’s easier to let go of the good which indeed are their vice like success,money,fame,power,comfort.This is what swami Vivekananda says there is power in “unattached love”. Let go of the good so the bad cannot camouflage it as good.Do I need a mission to mars or an anti ballistic missile to prove my point ? That certainly is a NO for an answer.

I would like to end my recipe with this beautiful garnish once said by President John Kennedy which completely epilogues my new world recipe “Here on this good Earth the work of God must surely be our own. If such a thing is to become so, it could make good sense to think at least twice before we kill the animals, shoot the birds, pick the flowers, collect the rocks and disturb the few remaining original wildlife habitats — before humankind commanders all that remains untouched on Earth“.

I am participating in the #TheWorldRemade activity at BlogAdda in association with India Today #Conclave15 “

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