Softy round the corner | Berry Liqueur Sundae !!

Desset Collage

You can’t buy happiness but you can buy an ice cream , it’s very much the same thing.The dictionary explains softie as a “ soft-hearted, weak, or sentimental personwell that very much is a metaphor for the softy ice cream which has a soft melt in mouth texture and yes the cake cone is weak to hold so never keep an ice cream waiting…. sentimental hmm….it does gift the person relishing the softy with a mixed bag of emotions.From heartache to hangovers, it’s the emotional crutch that many a woman will turn to.

a soft-hearted, weak, or sentimental person.
I am a small townie my early childhood never knew anything beyond the ice cream when it came to desserts.”Softy Corner” is just off the petrol pump,a small hidden ice-cream parlour. It is generally crammed on a summer’s day, with a queue lined across the cobbled pavement.I would secretly harp on the desire that our cars petrol should get over every time we crossed this place.;-) That’s my softy round the corner…twinkle twinkle…all dreamy eyes!!
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Well modern art desserts have evolved completely.Taste,color palette and display is crucial part of a dessert in today’s era. Desserts can represent enjoying the good things of life, indulgence, overindulgence, celebration, reward, and temptation.With fond memories of licking my softy I churn up this dessert for you guys.



 Ingredients for Berry Liqueur Sundae:

  • 10 Oreo Cookies
  • 150 ml Crème fraîche
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar
  • 150 ml Vanilla Liqueur cream
  • 100 gm fresh blueberry
  • 2 tbsp raspberry jelly/jam (homemade always preferred)
  • 2 Dessert Glasses

Preparation method

  1. In a processor just roughly crush the Oreo cookies.Mix the icing sugar with the Crème fraîche.
  2. Here’s how I make my raspberry jelly,take 1 tbsp of castor sugar and fresh raspberry and a squeeze of half lemon juice in a shallow pan.Let it boil for 5 minutes then crush the berries with the back of a spoon to release the juices into the syrup.Allow it to stand until the jelly thickens.
  3. Take a medium-sized dessert glass.Add a spoonful of crushed oreo cookies at the base.Then add a spoonful of  Crème fraîche with icing sugar. Then add a layer of fresh blueberry. Then spread the thick raspberry jelly on top of the berries.Then add a spoonful of vanilla liqueur cream on top of the jelly.Then spread the crushed Oreo cookies on top and chill it in the refrigerator before serving.
  4. Cheers to your romantic evening.You can always gift yourself a date with this sundae.

P.S => Well sky is the limit you can add as many variations to this dessert.You could replace blueberry’s with strawberry’s or replace raspberry jelly with blackberry jelly.The fundamentals are “life is uncertain so eat desserts first” 😉 so you better be born with a sweet tooth.

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