Have you ever crossed kebab shops salivating and your imploring eyes dreaming of those succulent meat chunks cooked over coals, piping hot mince served with salad or just-baked wraps melting in your mouth.Well I have millions of times as a kid,adolescent and teenager but not as a woman anymore.Back in those days my father (bapa […]
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The Chinese Revolution | Chicken Chow Mein !!
This desire to perfect this recipe dates back to my teens.I can bet on it if there is any soul who is not smitten by the fast food Chinese.These delicious dishes coming out of such intricate agility which is jaw dropping to watch.The best part of chinesse fast food is best enjoyed from road side […]
Faith,Family and Friends | Creamy Prawn Curry !!
When you are brought up in a place where every culture,caste and creed is own then life is beautiful.I was never forced to speak/write my mother tongue.I always emancipated the elements of culture which appealed to me.I do not like questions like what is your native place?what is your mother tongue?what is your culture like?I […]
Blessing in disguise | Blueberry Cheese Cake !!
Once in a while we all fall in love. At least if not love but we do have infatuations and crushes.Well I did too but it’s too complicated to explain on this public post.This foodie venture came into my life when I was just trying the decipher the word love.This Mr.X someone was a very good […]
Pickle Tickle | Baby Radish Pickle !!
A small tickle from my pickle childhood. For me no recipe is complete without my anecdotes cause that is what inspired me to cook food.During my school life we had the privilege of having a house with a garden and a backyard.My backyard was ordained with a Guava tree,lemon tree and my favorite mango tree.The […]
Baking Inspiration | Lemon and Raspberry cupcake delight!!
A very sugary good morning to all of you. Baking memories go back to my school days.My mother was always interested in baking cakes,cupcakes,biscuits and cookies.To be honest I am just a penny as good as my mom.For me its a learning experience but for her it was heuristic she baked out of her own […]
What the Fish | Grilled Salmon + pan charred broccoli + aubergines Recipe!!
A very happy new year to all my friends.There is no better time of the year than new year when you can cook and celebrate with kith and kin.As to justify my title which i always do “What the Fish” well point no one it’s about fish and why is it used colloquially will be […]